Penelope is very excited about the upcoming NECRWA Let Your Imagination Take Flight conference. It's two days of workshops, inspiring speakers, gut-wrenching pitches to agents, and of course my personal favorite, schmoozing. If you are an aspiring romance writer (or already have mastered the fine art of writing romance), this just might be your lucky weekend. Past highlights have included a funny, touching keynote speech by Annette Blair, Jess Andersen's perfect pitch workshop, and an excellent talk about "pantsing" by Diane Amos. (For those non-writers, authors are either "plotters" or "pantsers" as in, writing-by-the-seat-of-your-pants.) Penelope happens to be a pantser and found Diane's talk quite helpful. She also loves the cute picture of Miss Molly on her website! Dachshund lovers unite! Lisa Gardner, Jennifer Greene, and Jessica Andersen are among the speakers this year. If you are so inclined stop by for inspiration, motivation, and maybe an appletini or two. Hope to see you there!
Having the best day of her life, Penelope