Okay, I just started Surrender by Pamela Clare. This book keeps popping up all the time on people's recommendations as being the most awesome book, blah, blah, blah. Seriously, folks, I am not feeling it (I'm on page 80-something). Call me crazy, but if I were being chased by a posse of wild Indians intent on scalping my sorry ass, the last thing I would be concerned about is my hard c**k and how badly I wanted to do my damsel in distress, whose poor body is battered because she was just about gang-raped by a posse of wild Indians. Seriously, do you not think that the threat of maiming, torture and a slow, painful death is enough to squash any and all libidinous impulses out of the most testosterone-laden hero?
I am finding the book ludicrous at this point. But, I guess I'll keep reading to find out what happens. Sheesh! Maybe early colonial American romance is not my genre. Too much conflict (all the wars with practically every freaking European nation, the marauding Indians, plagues of locusts, etc etc). Not sure how those colonists managed to squeeze in their romance, but I guess it did happen. In the meantime, I just finished Sc0undrel in Disguise by Annette Blair, which was an adorable, fun and well-written historical (with just the appropriate amount of conflict for moi!), and also a quickie re-read of All About Passion by Stephanie Laurens, which is one of my favorite Cynster novels. I totally love Gyles and Francesca, and I guess I can deal better with a psychotic, mentally-unstable cousin hellbent on revenge than the impending threat of scalping.
Finally, I hope you enjoyed the fantabulous photo of Kevin from Top Chef (my favorite TV show) next to Yukon Cornelius, obviously his long-lost twin. I also joined a facebook group called Fans of Kevin Gillespie's Beard. As you know, I really, really, REALLY like beards, and getting to watch Kevin every Wednesday night is a treat. (The fact that he is also an incredible chef and will most likely win the whole competition is just the icing on the cake, baby!). As I am writing Sweet Magik, the second book of the Klaus Brothers Series, I am imagining Kevin's face superimposed on my main elf character's head. Hee heeee heee....