I have read quite a few books on my new kindle. However, I don't feel like writing any reviews since they were okay, not stellar. I am having a problem with the "light" BDSM erotica stories. My feeling is that most of the authors jumping into this genre are using the BDSM as a titillation device, without really understanding the lifestyle and emotional and physical ramifications of what that means. I need to read a few historicals to "cleanse my palate"-- hee hee. :)
I just downloaded Christine Feehan's newest Ghostwalker book, Street Game. I'm hoping it will bust me out of my funk. In the meantime, I am finally back to work on Sweet Magik, the second of the Klaus Brothers Series. It's great to be working on a new book. Sweet Inspiration continues to climb the charts of the e-bookstores. It is currently #2 at eBookwise and Readerwise, and #3 at Fictionwise and eReader (on the romance bestseller lists). Huge thanks to everyone who has supported me and this debut novel!
Stay warm,