Since I haven't gotten into a "JR Ward"-y mood yet, my copy of Lover Mine remains unread. I know, I know. I'm getting to it! In the meantime, I have been reading a lot of other books.
First is Beauty and the Feast by Julia Barrett. I'm obviously someone who recognizes the sensuality of food...I made the hero and heroine of my first novel (Sweet Inspiration) pastry chefs. When I saw Mandi's review for Beauty and the Feast, I knew I had to read it. The heroine is a caterer and the hero falls in lust with her before they've ever met, just by tasting the incredible meal she has prepared for him. Holy Mother...the food descriptions in this book are to die for! Check out the first course...chilled melon soup: "...pureed honey melon, a tiny bit of sea salt, a few splashes of a light German Riesling, a squeeze of lime, half a seeded Serrano chili, cilantro and a bit of palm sugar..." Starving yet? You will be if you read this baby. Make sure you have a gourmet snack and a nice bottle of wine on hand. I am not kidding.
I love the fact that Barrett has these characters becoming interested in each other without them even meeting. Just the sound of their voices over the phone peaks their interest. Then, Gabe smells Eva's scent on his pillow and knows she's laid down on his bed. He starts falling for her after eating the sensual meal she has created for him. This is a great way to start the romantic tension in a book....using other senses to create an attraction between two characters.
Here's a quote that sums it up best...."His interest in Eva Raines had once again grown in direct proportion to the size of his erection, the erection induced by the images tasting her food brought to mind."
I really loved this sexy book...I loved the characters, the setting, the food descriptions (of course). It was adorable, right down to the recipes at the end. Bravo, Julia Barrett!
Grade: A-
What's the perfect job for a demon? How about an IRS agent? Is that a great idea or what?
Sandra Sookoo has written another winning story. This one is sexy (yee haw!), has her characteristic comedy, and also an incredibly sweet and romantic ending that I absolutely loved. Although the heroine Anne was a little bit too snarky for me at the beginning of the story, the selfless act she does at the end of the book redeems her in my eyes. And Gregg, the demon/IRS agent, is simply wonderful. Sookoo does an amazing job transforming him from a jaded, cynical demon into a man who falls unwittingly in love. My only beef is that it was too short...I wished it had been longer! Grade: B+
Sandra will be visiting Penelope's on Wednesday for an interview and give-away. Please stop by!
My reviews for Burning Lamp by Amanda Quick and Knock Me For A Loop by Heidi Betts will be up later in the week.