With Grace by Samantha Wayland
I'm gonna start this review with a little background story...bear with me! Once upon a time, a new girl joined my critique group, The Quirky Ladies. My first impression of Sam...she had a big laugh, a big personality, she told rip-roaring funny stories, and she cussed a lot. (Which was a plus for me because I cuss like a sailor). I wondered what kind of stories she would write. I was somewhat sheltered. In spite of the fact that half of my group writes erotica, I never heard of triads, butt plugs, or face-to-face male sex. I'm not a big erotica lover...I hate stories that only talk about f**king, and leave out the emotional connection. I need love with my sex, dammit!
Anyhoo, Sam gives us three chapters of her story and I am blown right out of the water. I could not believe she wasn't published. Her characters literally come alive, her prose is smooth as butt-ah, and the story sucked me in and had me totally engaged right away. I was pissed I only had 3 chapters, and insisted she give me the whole damned story pronto! Which she did, and I sucked it down faster than a mango margarita.
With Grace is just like Sam. It has a great sense of humor, a big personality, and is emotional and entertaining. This book has an excellent storyline, and a loving, lusty and believable triad between three wonderful and distinct characters. The concept of a triad--three people who are truly "in love" with each other--is actually quite sweet, even in an erotica story. I loved how Philip learns to not only accept another person in his love affair with Grace, but also to accept his own attraction, and ultimately love, for another man (Mark). Also, the sex is...um....er....very illuminating. (I learned what butt plugs are, for goodness sake!). This is a stunning debut for an erotica author, and I can't wait for Sam to publish the rest of this series. Grade: A
Triads Forever (hee hee hee),