Another great trio of books this past week! I'm starting off 2011 with a bang!
First up, Mari Carr's Do Over. It was recommended to me at Goodreads (by Samantha...thanks, Missy!) as a nice "older" couple story. Faith and Troy have been married for 25 years, and Troy decides to surprise his wife with an incredibly romantic re-hash of their lives together....revisiting the location of their first kiss, church where they were married, etc etc. OK, seriously, this dude is the man! He is so sexy, sweet, thoughtful and romantic, I just wanna bottle him up and chug him like a bottle of Corona. (That's a weird image, but work with me, people...). This story is very romantic and wonderfully emotional. And super sexy! I can't wait to read more of Carr's stories. Excellent!
Grade: A
I have a confession to make. I'm not really into gay sex stories. I know they're all hot and hip and happenin' and trendy right now, but I sort of don't care that much. Someone once said the reason why gay male stories are so hot is that two c*cks are better than one. ☺ I think that is an awesome and hilarious statement, but nevertheless, I can't get myself that worked up about the whole thing. I know, I'm a sad Vanilla girl. (French vanilla with bittersweet chocolate sauce, but it's still vanilla). So, imagine my unmitigated surprise when I read a lesbian story, and I liked it! In fact, I thought it was smoky hot, funny, adorable, entertaining, suspenseful and very well written. KT Grant's The Princess's Bride is a cute, sexy take on The Princess Bride...with a saucy wench pirate, a sexy daisy of a princess, lots of "dewy" moments, an evil licentious villain, and a totally satisfying HEA that involves a lesbian lover's hide-away on an island. Hee hee...gotta love that ending! Who knew I'd be digging a lesbian pirate story? Amazing!
Grade: A
Finally, the latest Ghostwalker book by Christine Feehan is out...Ruthless Game. This is a solid showing for Feehan, not my favorite Ghostwalker story, but still a good addition to the series. I found the relationship between Rose and Kane not quite as intense as the other couples. One of the things I love about this series is the fact that the alpha Ghostwalker boys are sooooo over the top. Over the top alpha-warrior-kick ass-sexual dynamos-hot for their gals-will kill anyone who gets in their way, etc. etc. You get the picture. Kane and Rose have a new baby, and they still don't seem quite as crazed as the other Ghostwalkers. Which I guess is a good thing. The best thing about this book.....the babies!!!! Oh, holy crap, how cool is the final scene at the wedding where the Ghostwalker next-generation is sitting there in their onesies, totally communicating telepathically and watching everyone with their super-intelligent, beady little eyes! I cannot wait to see what CF has in store for these bambinos. I'm picturing a toddler covered with knives, guns, machetes, walky-talkies, and a crew cut. And maybe a stogie hanging out of his mouth. Barking orders in baby talk. Yessssss! Can't wait to see them in action...Ghostwalkers, The Next Generation.
Grade: B+
Happy Wednesday,