Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Morning Updates: Vampire Slayres, Bumblebees And Amish Lovin'

I am still riding a romance high after finishing Jane Eyre over the weekend. Sigh. Oh, Rocky McRochester, how I love yinz!

I had a very nice Mother's Day husband and kids surprised me Saturday night with 3 bouquets of flowers, a mini chocolate cake, and a sushi dinner. Sunday morning my 8 year old daughter made me breakfast in bed...all by herself. She brought me peanut butter toast, a cup of coffee with cream (just the way I like it!) and a vase of flowers. So cute!

Here's what's next on my reading horizon.....

Also, this date with the hubs to see Thor! It's Hammer Time, Baby! :^)

Happy Monday,