Hee hee heeee! How great is this pic?
Huge thanks to Scott Fiander, who is the artist for RJ Silver, for creating this incredibly life-like portrait of me on the dark side. (Except my boobs aren't that perky, and my fingernails aren't that talon-like). Otherwise, it's a dead ringer.
Scott mentioned that he is a blogging "noob" and I told him I was the opposite....a haggard old bitty with a butt hanging out of my mouth and a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand. He was inspired, as you can see.
I'm thinking that this portrait makes me look like a real writer....in the tradition of Ernest Hemingway....
I got my turkey, I got the booze, now I have to....clean my house. Dammit!
The turkey don't care if the toilets are clean,