Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Linkies and Twinkies
These are the twinkies. Now for the linkies.....
1. Check out this hilarious video Steph posted on Winged Effigy...it has a bearded fireman and tequila. My favorite part is when his shirt mysteriously disappears for a few seconds, then reappears. Hee hee!
2. I discovered a new-to-me blog that is freakin' hilarious! The Romance Man. This blog post called 50 Shades of Attempted Murder is brilliant. (Warning: it's also naughty).
3. Scott Fiander was inspired by my recent announcement about writing a weenie dog kiddie book. He made me this adorable cartoon....love it!
4. Speaking of Lucy the Weenie Dog, she and I are being interviewed at Coffee with a Canine on Wednesday. I'll add another link tomorrow.
5. I would like to give a shout-out to Sara Pulver of 3Crows Etsy Shop. Her paintings are..."whimsical, quirky and just slightly demented." In other words, perfect for Penelope! Here is one of my favs.....
6. I am super excited about a new "serial" piece of flash fiction that Tom Andrews is working on. I'm not sure if it's heading for a happy ending, but I still love it anyway. I'm calling it "The Ashley Chronicles." Not sure what Tom is calling it, but I'm totally digging this story! Here's the linkie to part one, and here's the linkie to part two. And here's hoping there is no bile in part three. Bottoms up!
7. Just checked out the book blurb for Darlene Marshall's newest novel, Castaway Dreams, and I can't wait to read this one. It sounds really adorable and cute.
8. Finally, I'd like to give a shout-out to my bud Lindsay Kiernan who has her first book out, A Taste of Honey. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but the blurb sounds great. It's available at Amazon for $2.99.
Hoping your day is filled with twinkies, linkies, and kinkies,