Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Conference You Don't Want To Miss!

If you are a romance writer and you live anywhere in the New England area, I would highly recommend the New England Chapter's 2013 Spring Conference, which is taking place April 26-27, 2013 in Burlington, MA.


Well, I'll tell you why!

1. We have some incredibly stellar speakers! JULIA QUINN, author of the ridiculously popular Bridgerton series (which includes Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, which is about Penelope, who is my name-sake!) is conducting a master writing class. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You can take a craft class with JULIA FREAKIN' QUINN!!!!!!!! *I'm catching my breath* Whoa.

Julia Quinn

Book Cover for Romancing Mr. Bridgerton
(Yes, that is me, Penelope, in the hot pink dress).

2. ZOE ARCHER, author of Warrior, which is on my all-time favorites list, is the keynote speaker. She writes a fabulously creative mix of steampunk, romance, historical, sci fi, paranormal and more. And...she has an awesome hubby, Nico Rosso, who is a sci fi/romance author himself, and they are DOING A WORKSHOP TOGETHER! ("How To Write An Action Scene")!!!! *I'm catching my breath* Also, Zoe has some really bad-ass boots. (Penny is going shopping soon!! Ha!)

Zoe and Nico 
(You might also want to note that Nico has an extremely excellent beard/stache combo).

3. The NECRWA's very own award-winning historical author CAROLINE LINDEN is also speaking at conference! Not only is she an amazingly talented author and devoted Red Sox fan, but she was also a math major at Harvard. Let me repeat that...MATH major. At HARVARD. (I'm betting she doesn't have any problems helping her kids with their third grade math homework. Like someone else I know. *Penny hangs head in shame*).

Caroline Linden

4. We have everything covered at this conference. Craft workshops. Industry workshops. Workshops where Penelope drinks a cocktail and teaches folks how not to be a complete schmo on the internet. Stuff like that. The really cool thing about our workshops is that we have wildly successful authors in all sub-genres speaking (contemporary, historical, steampunk, paranormal, sci fi, erotica, fantasy, etc), including Tiffany Reisz (erotica), Marie Force (contemporary/self-publishing), Sarah MacLean (historical) and many more.

For a complete list of workshops, see the conference page!

5. We are offering editor/agent appointments with a wonderful group of industry professionals, including agents Louise Fury, Jenny Bent, and Eric Ruben, and editors Amanda Bergeron, Patience Bloom, Chris Keeslar, Lori Perkins, Guillian Helm, and Pat Van Wie. Registrants submit the first ten pages of their work for critiques, which is an incredible opportunity. Don't miss it!

6. Book fair! All of your favorite authors will be hawking their wares pimping their books doing a song and dance routine selling their books at book fair!

7. Schmoozing.

8. Drinking.

9. Boston is only 10 minutes away if you're in the mood.

10. Penny has something special planned to top her tiara-wearing incident from last year. (see photo below)...

Penny's Fabulous Tiara

I don't want to spoil the surprise, but it just might have something to do with tattoos, and sparkly unicorns. 

So there you have it! An opportunity to take top-notch workshops, pitch your stories to a super impressive group of agents/editors, meet your favorite authors, sell your books to fantastic New England fans, get inspired, and party with a crazy person wearing a tiara and sporting a sparkly unicorn tattoo.

It just doesn't get any better than that!

Have a nice day,