Friday, August 30, 2013

Perky Happy Stuff!

Summer is almost over!

Boo hoo hoo!

I figured we all needed a perky happy stuff post today.

1. If you are looking for only Perky Happy News, check out my Twitter account called @PerkyHappyStuff. It's fun! Tell your friends. (I must admit my life has gotten considerably better since changing my homepage from CNN news to Google.)

2. Sunflowers are happy.

3. Puppies are happy.

4. Cupcakes are happy.

5. Hot air balloons are happy.

6. Hugh Jackman is happy. And perky. And....yeah!

7. This Pinterest board is happy... Daffodil Days.

8. Drinking all these cocktails would make me happy.

9. This cartoon is funny.

10. This painting of Dancing Cats by Sara Pulver is happy. (And available for purchase at her Etsy store!)

Hope you are all feeling happy, and perky, and stuff!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend,