Thursday, September 26, 2013

Are Lederhosen Hot? And Other Updates

1. My daughter has been pouring over the Halloween costume catalogues. (At the moment, she is partial to Little Red Riding Hood.)

While looking at these fun costume selections, I ran across this one...

...and all I could think was--My husband would rather have scalding oil poured over his head than wear this get-up. Also, who exactly would wear this get-up? And finally, does anyone really look hot in lederhosen?

(See above photo...that's as good as it's gonna get).

Additional emasculating costumes include a caveman tunic...

...and a giant sock monkey.

Here's the link to Wishcraft for your enjoyment!


This is the most hilarious review of LUMBERJACK IN LOVE ever! Here's a quote...

"Ami is used to soft city men but seeing a hairy man's man awakens something primal inside of her (I assume, I might be editorializing)."

Heeeeeeeeee! You must read it. It's fabulous.

3. Here are some linkies:

Katiebabs has a great interview with Marie Force discussing her inspirational path to success in the publishing world. Check it out!

We have added a special session on Friday night (Nov 1) for the INDEPENDENT AUTHOR's called "Branding for Authors" and it will define this concept, and discuss how creating a strong author brand can contribute to your success as a self-published writer. Register now! 

If you are a local New Englander and would like to meet me in person, I'll be participating in the Local Independent Author Evening at Wellesley Books on Thursday Oct 3, 6-8 pm. Please stop by!

The giveaway for Ellis Drake's short story THE SEA QUEEN'S DAUGHTER, as well as a gorgeous set of Venetian glass earrings, is still going on until Oct. 1. Enter to win!

4. Finally...this.

Doggie Doo.

Big thanks to Scarlett Parrish for letting me know about this most excellent game (according to the Amazon link, the most popular game in Germany). This weenie dog poops, and evidently you win by scooping the most poops.

And if you don't believe me, watch this...

Have a nice day!