The name Watson means "powerful warrior."
I can work with that. (See photo above)
2. HAGGIS (and other Scottish food):
You all know I'm working on a WIP about a Scottish chef. So, for research purposes I decided to check out The Haven (a Scottish restaurant) with some buddies. We made a pact.
Anyone who ate the haggis would get a special badge.
First I had hot mulled wine with whisky-soaked apples.
(Step one before eating haggis...drink alcohol!)
It was delicious!
Then I had an amazing soup--Cullen Skink, a rich creamy seafood and potato chowder. Divine!

And now the moment of truth...HAGGIS! This is lamb haggis, and it comes in its own cute little container made of...never mind about that. The important thing is...I ate some.
It tasted like mild liver. Not that horrible actually.

And so I earned this badge of courage.
Best part of the menu? Fantastic desserts.
If you live around the Boston area, I definitely recommend this place.
I was super lucky to see Graeme Simsion last night. He spoke at Wellesley Books.
What a great evening. He is funny, entertaining, and inspirational.
The story of his life and how he became a published author is wonderful.
He also read from THE ROSIE EFFECT.
And then of course I went out to eat with my girlfriends and got sangria.
So...all-around perfect evening.
I recently attended the Boston Flower Show.
It was okay, not spectacular.
(PET PEEVE: If you're gonna have a plant show, LABEL ALL THE PLANTS!)
But here are a few of my favorite things...
Helleborus...superb plant.
My favorite display was the cranberry bog. What an adorable idea.
They showed cranberry plants and had a flooded cranberry pool.
Who wants to wear this dress to prom? ME! ME! ME!
Super big thanks to everyone who supported me in the DAB-ish contest.
P. Watson